The Blog

One day I was assaulted. For this character that I put on so effortlessly. The stud. I wasn’t
assaulted in the worst way possible as society defines it. Coz it considers rape the worst
misdemeanor. When will people ever understand that assault does not always mean those
physical signs of abuse? It does not have to be unsolicited physical contact caused by another
individual and the awareness that the connection was unwanted. It is as little as the intent to
cause fear or imminent harm. It is about noticing the vulnerabilities and exploiting them. It goes
down to mental health. The worst kind of battle.
So I am walking, in a busy Muthurwa market, Nairobi around December. Brushing shoulders,
every vendor calling out. Then boom! Trouble stands in front of me, and pulls me to his
kibandaski at the side. He was selling some dope sports shoes, most of them were Jordan’s. I
love lighter shoes, so I told him no, I don’t want to buy. “Maze lazima ununue kitu. Niko na vitu
kali kali.” Nop. I don’t want anything. “Na wee ni dem ama boy. Ebuuu…” then a small scuffle
as struggled to let my hand loose. So I attracted attention, kiasi tu. Enough to bring the other
vendors. Shit got worse. No one was on my side. So I am there. Mmoja amenishika and other
three have joined in. Trouble. Trouble. Trouble. “Oya oya, johnte ni nini? Achananeni na
customer bana. Fuck! The angel.“Ni dem achana na yeye.” There were tears in my eyes. I didn’t
buy nothing. I just went. I have never used that certain route ever. Of all types of crimes against
persons, this is the worst. My wound was mental. They wounded me in the worst way possible. I
know most of y’all don’t relate but battles are different. This one I fight every day.